
Totoro Kokoru Tutorial

This time I will post the tutorial for making Totoro using Kokoru paper. This one are the simple type one, you only need 15-20 minutes. Below are the material for making Totoro:

Material for making Totoro
How to make:
1. Join part 1 and roll with half of grey ichigo

2. Paste part 2 (arms) on left and right side of part 1

3. Paste part 3 (legs) on  the bottom of part 1

4. Paste all of part 4, face and body on the front side, ears and leaf on the above side of part 1.
5. Finally, your totoro is done.


Pokeball Kokoru

Pokemon Go! are very famous nowadays, almost everyone in the world play this game all day long. Beside pikachu the famous character of pokemon, one thing that can't be miss from pokemon is pokeball. Pokeball used to catch all character in the game. Back to the kokoru project, this time I will make red and blue pokeball.
As it has round shape it, it easier to make pokeball. You only need 10-15 minutes to make one pokeball. Below are the material and tutorial to make pokeball:

  1. Prepare all the material. You need 2 pcs of red ichi, 2 pcs of white ichi, half pcs of black ichi, small white and black circle made by black and white hachi for red pokeball. For the blue one, you need 2 pcs of blue ichi, 2 pcs of ivory ichigo, half pcs of black ichi, small white and black circle made by black and white hachi, and 2 small wings made by red hachi.
    Material for red pokeball
    Material for blue pokeball
  2. Join the above part made by red or blue ichi roll to the below part made by white or ivory ichi roll.
  3. Roll the black ichi that already being glue by black and white circle
  4. Paste the red hachiro at the top of blue pokeball
  5. Your pokeball are done

To make more rounded roll, you can add the amount of ichi into 3 or 4 pcs. I only used 2 pcs of ichi to make the roll so the shape isn't too round. 


Rommy Papercraft Template

Are you one of paper craft fans? If yes, I want to share a link that provides printable paper craft templates for a cute paper crafts. This paper craft character called Rommy and in this link there are a lot of type or kinds of Rommy. You can check here to find more about Rommy and download one of them.
Below are the example of Rommy that made by me:

Besides Rommy, there're also another characters called Quorory and Tatten. Quorory consists of rabbit, panda and penguin. There are simple design of Quorory but also Japanese patterns design of Quorory. There are 12 design of Tatten and 9 of them are cute boy and girl paper toys. You cna check it by yourself in here to look more types and design of Quorory and Tatten. In that link, there are also paper craft design of dinosaur called Zamber.

Hope this article help you in finding more design for your next paper craft project.  


Cat Kokoru Tutorial

It's look like simple, but actually accuracy is needed in making cat kokoru. Below are the tutorial of making kokoru in picture and video. Sorry for the result of cat kokoru in video that not as good as it must be.  This is the instructions in making cat with kokoru paper:

And below are the result of my kokoru cat, the result not exactly the same with the instructions because my cat's body is too long and the eyes not bing enough.

And the last but not least is the video tutorial of cat kokoru. Sorry for my bad English in the tutorial. Hope you can enjoy it and thank you for watching


Christmas Tree Quilling

Although Christmas is still 7 months away, nothing to lose if we already search and learn about christmas craft, especially hand or paper craft.
I want to share about Christmas Tree Quilling Paper tutorial that I made tomorrow. Hope you can enjoy it, Thank You :)


Quilling Creations Basic

Quilling adalah salah satu kreasi dari kertas yang dibuat dengan cara handmade. Untuk mendapat hasil yang indah, dibutuhkan kesabaran dan ketelitian karena kertas bahannya memiliki panjang kurang dari 1 cm. Di Indonesia, kreasi kertas quilling tidak setenar papercraft dan kokoru. Selain karena harga bahannya yang mahal, untuk membuat kreasi quilling kita juga perlu memberi beberapa peralatan yang terhitung tidak murah juga.
Beberapa peralatan dasar untuk membuat kreasi quilling adalah :
1. Quilling strips
Di Indonesia, quilling strips dapat dibeli di beberapa toko buku seperti paperclip dan toko craft. Di paperclip, harga quiling strips berkisar dari 20.000 IDR.

2. Quilling Board
Quilling Board tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran. Quilling Board digunakan untuk membentuk bulatan quilling memjadi lingkaran berbagai ukuran yang nantinya akan dibentuk lagi menjadi beberapa bentuk. Quilling Board juga dapat diganti dengan pengaris yang biasa digunakan untuk menggambar lingkaran.

3. Quilling Needle
    Quilling needle digunakan untuk membentuk bulatan dari kertas quilling. Dengan quilling needle,       bulatan quilling dari quilling strips yang tipis akan lebih mudah terbentuk dan hasilnya pun akan         lebih rapi dibanding menggunakan tangan.

Dengan adanya 3 bahan diatas kita sudah dapat membuat kreasi quilling. 
Bentuk dasar dari quilling diantaranya :

Untuk memulai, kita dapat membuat kreasi quilling yang simple misalnya membentuk bunga atau daun.


D.I.Y Headset Holder from Cassette Case

Banyak kotak kaset ga terpakai. Daripada dibuang mending dibuat tempat headset.
Selain buat kabel headset ga berhamburan lagi, irit tempat dan designnya bisa sesuka selera kita.

Caranya :
1. Siapkan kotak kaset bekas, tip ex, spidol, pulpen
2. Lapisi bagian depan kotak kaset dengan tip ex kalo ingin background putih dan dengan spidol hitam untuk background hitam.
3. Gambar atau design kotak kaset yang sudah dilapisi sesuai selera.
4. Selesai. Tinggal masukan headset ke dalam kotak kaset.

Mudahkan :) Selamat mencoba.